Costume Hair extensions- types and uses

Braiding hair

Jumbo Braid: A great place to start!


Jumbo braid (also referred to as Yaki Braid) is a synthetic hair that adds a bunch of fullness.  It is sold in a big looped braid, and is usually around or under $5 a bundle. It is available in crazy colors as well as a variety of natural shades.  This hair doesn’t look very natural, all things considered, but it is great for a fantasy effect. The hair has a tight wave to it, that lends itself to adding fullness and smoothes into puffy braids fairly easily.  Using this braid takes patience and some skill. I recommend separating out a few strands as long as a pencil, and looping the middle of the strand over a table leg, etc to get a nice secure starting point for the braid.  Once you have braided the length of the hair you can finish each end with a small elastic and cut your original loop. These braids can then be pinned around, through and on top of your natural hair or onto a wig or ¾ wig.  

Jumbo braid ponytail tutorial:

Doing this technique for smaller hair sections would give you some great thick braids 🙂

Jumbo braid into a braid of your own hair

There are lots of awesome tutorial videos for this:

I think that I need more practice for this technique, as the people in the how tos make it look easier than I have found it.  One trick I use is to braid in a little bit of hair only about 2 inches, then rubber band it- and I leave the rest of the hair loose.  That might work really nicely for a dwarf character. The cost is right for the hair, so worth trying.

You can also glue braids or loose hair onto hair clips.  Trimmed and fluffed bunches of braiding hair can make really neat looking ponytail additions.

Examples for purchase:

Sally Beauty Supply and other stores will have a small selection of this type of hair in stock to practice with.

Individual extensions systems:

Rings: also called links, linkies, shrinkies


This system is my favorite because it lasts for a month or more and looks natural, easy to wash my hair with the extensions in, etc.


Bulk hair installation with linkies

If the hair has tips (a bit easier)

Weft Hair:

Hair on a weft is sold in lengths- both in synthetic and human hair.  There are unlimited ways to use wefted hair:

  • Put in many small french braids in your hair and sew the wefts onto your braided hair.
  • Glue the wefts to the base of your own hair with special glue.  Yup.
  • Attach wefts to a headband, hair clip or accessory.

Turning weft hair into braids, a good tutorial:

Weft hair on clips:

Try ebay for these- and watch shipping times as they are usually sold from overseas.  Sets of weft hair on clips can be put in by a friend or by yourself if you are flexible and there are tutorials online.


Examples for purchase:

Add in hair pieces:

3/4 wigs:

3/4 wigs are super useful for when you want full, long, lush natural looking hair and your hair is short, thin, etc.  It is also useful for long days outside- take off the hairpiece and your own hair can be nice and clean pinned up underneath. 

Another bonus is that unlike a full wig, these smaller pieces can fit on the back of your head instead of all around your head which is hotter and can be tight and uncomfortable.


(in this photo my real hair only shows in the front and was dyed blue under the ¾ wig- lol!)

Examples for purchase:


Purchasing dreadlocks to add to your hair

Even a small amount of extra hair can cause headaches and discomfort.  Think of the weight of any hair treatment you are planning to wear, and whenever possible wear the hair for a few hours as a test run prior to an event.  Sleep in it if you are planning to do so again later. I have learned from experience that the two days after adding a bunch of ring extensions are going to be days of headaches and general Arg.  

Making dreadlocks

Installing dreadlocks

Notes on wearing hair: