Mantis Shrimp Dress

Mantis Shrimp Dress Part One- Inspiration

I am attending Costume College in CA for the first time this year. A big part of the fun for me is getting to wear costumes. There is a theme for each evening of the long weekend, plus shadow themes, meetups, and general tomfoolery. With my background in costume design giving me a theme is giving me inspiration, so away I have gone.

The theme for the Saturday night gala is “The Opulent Streets of Venice”. This, of course, brings to mind the amazing and outrageous costumes worn at Carnival. This is where the brainstorming began. Do I want a dress with a ship on my head? Maybe turn into a swan? Or wear a wig with a birdcage in it?

Next was picking my favorite animal. Dogs? Sure, but an Octopus would be better. I don’t want to look like Ursula. So how about…. A MANTIS SHRIMP?!?!?!

By Jenny – originally posted to Flickr as mantis shrimp, CC BY 2.0,

Why a Mantis Shrimp?

Have you read this magnificent piece by The Oatmeal?


Dressing in the bright hilarious color combination of a Mantis Shrimp was so ridiculous that it needed to happen.

Yes, yes it did.

Mantis Shrimp Dress first photos - front
Mantis Shrimp Dress first photos - back

Style and Time Period

I am going with a vaguely mid-18th Century style. I am bringing two other dresses from the time to the event. It makes sense to stick with a time period to minimize the amount of packing. I think of Carnival as a riff on the 18th century anyway, so it works out.

The other dress I am making new for Costume College is my Black Edwardian, which I spent many months on. I will be wearing in on Sunday and it will be a nice change from flashy to classy.